1) Today has been a normal, typical day for me in the library. I came directly after breakfast, and I've been sitting here the whole day. However, what I have not been doing, is studying the whole day, which many may assume. I studied in the morning, and then had lunch at noon.
2) In the afternoon, there was another HBPS Group Meeting in one of the study rooms. We are all but finished with the group project; now all that's left to do is to proofread before submitting our draft copy for feedback. Considering the deadline is next week, I am extremely happy and relieved that we managed to complete it in time.
3) I took a short nap afterward as I was really tired today. Probably I got up a little too early haha. Went to Dunnes to grab a loaf of bread, before coming back for dinner. After a while, it was back to studying. I still have much to cover, and I hope most of it will be sorted out when we have our next quiz (Quiz 2) in just two weeks. That's the end of my day, and thank you very much for reading. Cheers!

When food becomes art...

Hyped up for International Night! ^^
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