Saturday 4 March 2017

DAY 184

Mar 4

1) Today has been a very eventful day for me. So I had to wake up early to make it for the RCSI-MUN (Model United Nations) which started at 9.00am. Our motion for today was "Battling Antibiotic Resistance", and each candidate was assigned a country to represent. So Mary and I were the delegates of Canada, and there were various representatives from all over the world - including USA, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad and Tobago, France etc.

2) We broke the motion up into several subtopics and discussed from there. Essentially we tried to follow the guidelines and conduct of the real United Nations. For instance, we raised our placards when intending to speak, and referred to ourselves as "this delegate" rather than using the pronoun "I". And of course, we drafted out a working paper, which was to become a resolution as a whole.

3) Fast forward a couple of hours, and we had lunch in the Atrium. This was a good time to get to know everyone better, and I made a lot of friends (mostly senior or GEM students) from various backgrounds. It was very exciting to meet so many people with this much enthusiasm for this event. After break, discussion resumed and we carried on with the submission of our final resolution, which had been amended and modified to take into consideration the other countries' suggestions/ideas.

4) Finally at late noon, we went into actual voting procedure. Our resolution had received a unanimous vote (which is very rare in MUN - most of them are just majority votes) as almost everyone agreed with the proposed solution and the method by which it would be implemented! In a usual MUN setting, the entire objective is to draft out a resolution which can get accepted or declined, depending on the number of votes we receive. In our case, you could say we were extremely successful since essentially everyone agreed with our resolution :D

5) That was the end of this year's MUN - and I cannot wait for the next one to come around. The rest of the day I have no choice but to work on my Principal Seminars, because they are drawing closer and closer as the days go by. That would be all from me today, and I hope you enjoyed reading about today's event. Thanks for reading as always, and have a great day. Cheers!

RCSI MUN 2017!!

The Delegates of Canada :)

Less formal, more candid picture of our team

More formal, less candid group photo XD

Posing for the camera with our placards ^^

Pizzas for lunch today. Bon appetit :D

RCSI MUN was held in the Albert Theatre, RCSI

Pasta for dinner haha

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