Friday 3 March 2017

DAY 183

Mar 3

1) Today has been a fun day for me. Went to Mercer Library as usual to to do two things: prepare for Principal Seminar and also to prepare for RCSI MUN (Model United Nations) tomorrow. I'll be representing the delegate of Canada, and we'll be discussing about Antibiotic Resistance. Hopefully it'll be loads of fun and I'll get to make new friends haha.

2) In the afternoon, I met up with my friends in the Study Room upstairs and we each tried to present on the five topics for the Principal Seminar. We're sorted it out for the most part, but there is still some fine tuning to be done. Then at around 5.00pm, Nee Kee, Esther and I left for UCD to attend a talk - "The Medic's Guide" - which taught us the skills required to be competent doctors as well as the opportunities available.

3) There were a total of five speakers - the first was Mr. Mark Cumisky, Career and Skills Consultant, who talked about "Medical Specific CV Writing and Interview Skills". Next was Stage 3 Medical Student Ms. Lade Adeusi (UCD), who elaborated on the relevance of research and publication in early medical life. After a brief intermezzo where we had some nice 'nasi lemak' or coconut milk rice, the session continued with three Malaysian doctors currently working in Ireland, narrating their experience as well as the path they took to achieve their goals. The last doctor - Doctor Kevinder Singh, was of particular interest as he was a former PMC student just like us.

4) After his talk, some of my friends went to ask questions on the opportunities available and his recommendation on what to do next after graduation. Still a long way to go, but you can never start too early. All in all, a very informative event and I took back quite a lot from it. I have also obtained a clearer picture of what to expect and the challenges ahead when we graduate with our degree. On that note, I'll end my blog update here. Tomorrow there's MUN for me so I need to be there early haha. Thanks for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

Group photo time!! ^^

Morning toast

UCD Health Sciences Centre

Group photo with our UCD friends! 

The first speaker of the night - Mr. Mark Cumisky

Our dinner for tonight - nasi lemak! ^^

Ms. Lade Adeusi - second speaker for tonight

Dr. Arimin Mat, our fourth speaker for the night

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