Sunday 26 March 2017

DAY 206

Mar 26

1) Today has been a day of much study, and not much else XD. We had to turn our clocks one hour forward due to daylight savings, which meant I got one hour less sleep! Woke up still groggy, and packed up my stuff to go to the library.

2) Studied the morning away, before taking a short break for lunch in the Mercer Cafe. Came back to take a short afternoon nap, before waking up feeling all refreshed. I continued studying for a bit, then Jason and I walked to Trinity College Dublin, for our run through of the first MMII event - "Time Bomb". I'm in charge of the 'debates' segment as well as forensic games.

3) Meeting lasted for around three hours, at which point I walked back with my friend Aser. Today's weather was a little breezy but much better than a couple of days back. Anyway, I had my dinner back here, before continuing to study for the rest of the night. We have Card-Signing 2 in five days, and just four days later is our Histology Quiz. That's the end of my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Thanks and have a nice day, cheers!

Trinity College Dublin

One of the rooms to be used

The Stanley Quek Lecture Theatre

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