1) Today has been an enjoyable day for me. While I've been studying in the library for the most part, when afternoon came I attended the Surgical Laporoscopic Skills Research Programme at York House, just opposite the main building. As usual, it was the usual five tasks associated with keyhole surgery. This time around, I managed to complete all the tasks in under 15 minutes, which was really quite fast considering the time allocated for each candidate is around 45 minutes.
2) Shortly after the session, I went over to Tutorial Room 5 at RCSI for the next activity - a talk on how to write a professional CV. It was a very informative session, and we learnt all the do's and dont's when it comes to writing our CVs and cover letters. Hopefully all of this will come in handy next time I apply for something haha.
3) In the evening, it was back to studying as usual, and basically just covering up as much material as possible before our next quiz (which is on Thursday, not Friday as I originally thought). So much left to do, so little time... guess I better get started then. That's all for today, and thanks very much for reading. Have a great day, cheers!

How to write a professional CV - 101 ^^
Homemade fried rice
The surgical department finally provided us with the snacks they had long promised XD
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