Sunday 12 March 2017

DAY 192

Mar 12

1) Today has been a long day for me. As it's nearing our next batch of quizzes, there's nothing much to do, other than to study and cover as much as possible. This afternoon we received our timetable from our class reps, and it did more than raise a couple of eyebrows. For HBPS (Healthcare Behaviour and Patient Safety) alone, we need to cover 24 lectures, out of which only 4 questions will be asked! So much effort, for what is potentially so little gain...

2) Anyway, I spent the whole morning studying as usual, covering the rest of the GIHEP lectures. I've by and large skimmed through the REGUB (Renal, Endocrine, Genitourinary and Breast) module, so I still have this and the HBPS to cover. Hopefully that will be covered before the test.

3) This evening, Ali, Maziad and I met to do the final proofreading, before submitting our group work for the HBPS Team Project. We shall expect a score and some feedback from Turnitin, and we will then amend whatever needs to be amended, before submitting it one last time. But for now, I'm just happy that we have submitted our first draft version.

4) Most of my night has been spent continuing what I started out to do today; going over past lectures. It may appear to be boring and monotonous - being stuck in the library all day - but I assure you I am more than happy here, learning new stuff about the human body every day. That's all for today, and thanks for reading as always. Cheers!

A lovely day today in St. Stephen's Green

Cooking for the next batch of food ^^

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