Saturday 18 March 2017

DAY 198

Mar 18

1) Today has been a typical day for me in the library. Frankly, as the days lead up to the first of our final exams (next month), most of my days will be spent here in the library...

2) My day started off as usual, with me leaving for the Mercer Library after my breakfast. I've been there since then. Most of my time has been spent studying and just revising past chapters, but I've also noticed that the medicine I'm taking has it's effects - it makes me quite groggy. As a result, I have no choice but to take a rest for a while after each dose. And sometimes, the effect wears on even after I wake up, and that spoils my mood to study haha.

3) This morning my friends and I had a short meeting on the upcoming MMII event held in Trinity College, Dublin. We were given a slot to fill for their event, called "Time Bomb". More info will be revealed soon XD. Anyway. we hope to make this conference a highly successful one, so lots of preparation and rehearsals are needed.

4) It was pretty much the same cycle for the afternoon and evening, my mind gradually giving up and refusing to absorb anymore. So I relaxed for a while, had a light supper, before packing and leaving for home. Not a terribly exciting day by any means, but still worth it haha. That's all for today, and thank you for reading. Have a great day, cheers!

Beautiful view

Breakfast :D

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