Thursday 2 March 2017

DAY 182

Mar 2

1) Today has been another great day for me. It all started out as another normal day, with me packing my stuff and leaving for the library. Then at around 10.30am, we had another Lion Dance rehearsal session, where we finally(!) finished off the remaining moves. Now all that's left to do is practice, practice and more practice XD Shortly after, I received news that I had won the Anatomy Sketch Competition, organised by the BioSoc RCSI! So my prize is one College Ball ticket, for the RCSI College Ball this Saturday. Still contemplating if I should go or not, because not many of my friends are going...

2) Anyway, besides that awesome piece of news, my day has been going on pretty much as usual. Took a short nap in the afternoon and studied a little until the evening. Later on, I walked to RCSI for second Lion Dance rehearsal in one day. This was meant for us to familiarise ourselves with the conditions on stage, as we'll be dancing together with the other performers. Anyway, it was much shorter compared to the first rehearsal in the morning, and I'm happy to say we're mostly done. All that's left is some polishing and full dress rehearsal. So I returned to the library, where I had some supper afterwards - just some biscuits and an orange.

3) I am quite packed for the rest of the week - tomorrow I'll be going to UCD for Medic Night, and then on Saturday I will be attending our very own RCSI-MUN (Model United Nations, in which we assume roles as delegates of different countries and come up with a resolution to solve a certain crisis/problem). Then my Principal Seminar is on Tuesday, so not much time left to practice haha. Anyway, that has been my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Cheers!

Practice makes perfect ^^

#Pasta4lyfe hahaha

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