Thursday 9 March 2017

DAY 189

Mar 9

1) Today has been a very long day for me, even though we had no classes at all! It started off fine, with me walking to the library and getting some studying done. Then, from 11-3pm, my friends and I were discussing on various activities, including the latest issues on MMII (Malaysian Medical International Ireland). We have a lot of things going on right now, so I guess the onus is on me to juggle my responsibilities efficiently, while not forgetting my academics haha. It feels like SPM (Secondary Five Exams) all over again...

2) Immediately after that, our HBPS group had a meeting from 3-5pm. We're essentially done with the project, with the exception of meeting the word count limit. I'm proud to announce that we're more than double the maximum word count XD. So the next meeting will (touchwood) see us carrying out the final proofreading, before submitting our first draft via Turnitin for feedback. We have until next Monday to do this, and tomorrow is a full 8-5 day as usual. It doesn't get any better than this *sobs*

3) But my day was far from over. In the evening, I still had to go to RCSI to practice for the Lion Dance in preparation for International Night. By the time I came back, I was both physically and mentally drained. Nothing a good sleep cannot cure, I reckon. So I'm going back a bit earlier tonight. Anyway, tomorrow classes start at 8.00am so there's really no other option. At least I can look forward to the coming weekends... That's all for today, and hope you enjoyed reading about my day. Have a great day, cheers!

Zi Yan's birthday cake
(forgot to upload yesterday haha)

The usual suspects for breakfast

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