Tuesday 7 March 2017

DAY 187

Mar 7

1) Today has been an exciting day for me. This was the first time I overslept haha. Woke up at 7:40am, when I had a lecture at 8:00am. Did my best to hurry up, and reached RCSI by 8:10am. Anyway, lessons were on as usual with GIHEP and Anatomy today. Finished our lesson at 1.00pm, which gave me ample time to do some last minute practice on our Principal Seminars.

2) My slot for Principal Seminars was at 3.00pm, so off I went to Nightingale Lecture Theatre. There were only five candidates, and I was lucky number one. We drew lots, and I ended up with the fourth question, which was on viral infection and immune response. We had one minute to draw our diagrams, and another five minutes to present.

3) I went through everything as planned, and said all that I had to say. Afterwards, two questions were asked by the examiner (Prof Murphy - who also taught us this semester), one of which I wasn't able to properly answer. At least I gave it my best. Next it was the other candidates' turn to deliver their presentations, and after half an hour we were done. The examiners gave their feedback, and we were allowed to go back!

4) Finally, after this much preparation, we are finally done with Principal Seminars. I made my way back to the library, to respond to emails and generally NOT study XD, before coming back out to RCSI for our Lion Dance practice at 8.00pm. Tomorrow is our full rehearsal, which should take around 3 hours or so to complete. Hopefully, everything will be sorted out by then, and we can expect an awesome International Night 2017! That's all for tonight, and thanks as always for reading. Have a great day, cheers!

Art display in the library

Scones for breakfast (for a change ^^)

Homemade rice meal

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