Friday 16 December 2016

DAY 105

Dec 15

1) Today my friends and I toured three major landmarks in Edinburgh. First, we went to Ocean Terminal, where The Royal Yacht Britannia was on exhibition. Took a walking tour, and spent a good deal of time soaking in the history and culture of the British Royal Family.

2) We had lunch at Ocean Terminal, before taking the bus back to Princes Street. Then we walked on foot up Calton Hill, the iconic spot where all picture perfect postcards of Edinburgh are taken from. The view up there was truly breathtaking, and the pictures I took (see below) hardly do them justice.

3) The last tourist attraction that we went to was Arthur's Seat. Being the highest of a group of hills formed from the remains of a volcano, it took a seriously in-shape person a good hour to climb up it's undulating and slippery terrain. Unfortunately, by the time we reached the peak it was already pitch black so we couldn't soak in the view of a sunset at Edinburgh. 

4) All was not lost, as for dinner we went to the White Hart Inn, the oldest pub in Edinburgh at approximately 500 years old! I had my first taste of haggis, neeps and tatties (haggis is sheep innards stuffed in sheep stomach, while neeps are turnips and tatties are mashed potatoes). I absolutely adored this national dish of Scotland! Hope to try more in the future XD

5) Came back completely exhausted, but still managed to find the time to play a good two hours of table tennis with my friends. Had a shower and changed, before playing some more "intellectual" games with my friends until past midnight. As I'm typing this the clock has just passed three. I have no idea how I'll stay awake tomorrow, but as always I shall do my best. Thank you so much for reading, and please enjoy the abundant photos (keep scrolling down!) Have a great day, cheers!

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