Tuesday 27 December 2016

DAY 116

Dec 26

1) Today was a very relaxing day for me. Woke up way later than usual, had my breakfast before watching a really old animated movie called "Akira", considered by many as the catalyst that sparked interest in Japanese animation. For a movie that's 28 years, I must admit the animation has aged remarkably well, and I can well understand how it would be considered state-of-the-art in its time.

2) After the movie, it was time for lunch so I went downstairs to reheat the farfalle pasta I made a couple of days back. This time I reheated it for 8 minutes, to make sure the food was hot throughout. Tasted just fine in my opinion. Had a short afternoon nap after that, and by mid-afternoon I was making my way to Khee Heng's apartment to chill out and watch anime XD. Finished "Fate/ Stay Night" today, and by this time it was approaching dinner.

3) This evening, Khee Heng, Zi Yan, Jason and me were invited for dinner at Brooks Hotel by Esther's parents, along with Esther and her best friend. We met up at Millin at 6.20pm, before walking a short distance to Brooks Hotel. All eight of us had the Christmas Dinner Menu, at €39.90 per pax. While the portion sizes were a little smaller than I would have desired, the flavour and presentation was top notch, and on top of that we washed down everything with some excellent Merlot.

4) Throughout the dinner, we chatted with Esther's parents, sharing stories and talking about student life in general. We spent a good two hours over good food and even better company, and eventually Esther's parents retired to pack up, as they were leaving for Belfast the next morning. Me, Zi Yan and Khee Heng returned to his apartment, where we watched the movie "Pixels". Turned out that I'd watched part of it before, but forgot the ending haha. Anyways, I returned home soon after, to have some cookies, tea and an orange. That was my day, and I hope you enjoyed reading about it. Cheers!

Trio of toast XD

Pasta for lunch yummmm!

Menu at Brooks Hotel

Couscous and super seed salad

Clonakilty black pudding croquette

Vegetables Soup

Grilled Fillet of Sea Bass

Fresh Veggies of the Day

Whole Potatoes

Group photo ^^

Clementine Cheescake

'Brooks' Christmas Pudding


Brooks Hotel,
with Zi Yan and Khee Heng

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