Sunday 2 October 2016

DAY 31

Oct 2

1) Today was a tiring day. Woke up at around 8, after coming back from Belfast yesterday. Went out for a nice, slow jog around St. Stephen's Green. Ended up doing 15km according to the distance tracking app that I use. Was completely exhausted after that, but then I remembered I still had to do the groceries!

2) So off I went, dragging my fatigue driven legs to Tesco Baggot, still in full running gear. Bought my supplies to last me a long time, and came back to freshen up. For lunch, I made some spaghetti, finishing the last of the packet of pasta I bought weeks ago. It's amazing how long these dry items last.

3) After that, it was an afternoon riddled with study, naps, and chatting with my family. To be honest, I am starting to miss home more and more as time passes. Family, friends, relatives, teachers, students (haha) and the environment in general. At least I have great support here in Ireland.

4) I had an early dinner. Meal was simple yet satisfying, and afterwards it was back to surfing the net, watching vids online etc. Tomorrow class starts at 8a.m., and the only comfort lies in that it will not drag on until the evening. At least I'm grateful for that. And on that note, I bid you all a pleasant evening! Cheers.

Entrance to my room

It was a lovely day today!

Lunch a.k.a. spaghetti

 A random picture of my veins XD

The dining room

Ta-da! Dinner is served, my way

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