Thursday 6 October 2016

DAY 35

Oct 6

1) Today was an exciting day. Woke up to have a nice breakfast, in the form of toast with peanut butter and nutella, washed down with a glass of fresh milk. Perfect start to the day then. Attended two very simple lectures, and that was it! How cool is that?

2) Well, the main reason for the short lectures today is due to the fact that tomorrow is our first card-signing session, for Group A. I'm in Group B, so it doesn't apply to me... yet (mine is next Friday) Anyway, for lunch, we stopped by at Dicey's Garden, where the student's meal is fixed at €5.00. I had the battered cod, with all the sides, plus a moat of gravy. Perfecto!

3) Came back feeling extremely stuffed. Slept a bit, got out the books to study, and before I knew it, it was 6 p.m. Tonight was the first running event, organised by the Running Society of RCSI. We jogged all the way to Phoenix Park and back, stopping occasionally at the traffic lights. Turns out almost everyone I spoke to were ardent runners who had at least represented their own school, and one guy even claimed to have taken part in over 15 marathons! I felt so left out haha. Still did my best to keep up with them though.

4) After over an hour of slogging, we finally made it back to RCSI, where a big carton of chocolate milk awaited us. Pure bliss, and a lovely way to end the night. Walked home from RCSI, to cook dinner for myself. And the rest, as they say, is history. Preparing to study after this, so I'll be ending on this note. Hope everyone reading this had as fantastic a day as I did. Cheers!

 Nutella and chunky peanut butter on toast,
truly comfort food at its finest

Glass of milk for the bones

Battered cod with all the fixings

RCSI Main Entrance

Dinner time

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