Wednesday 26 October 2016

DAY 55

Oct 26

1) Today was a routine day. Woke up to have my toast for breakfast, before studying a bit to keep up to date. Then, I travelled all the way to near River Liffey for a free haircut which I had booked earlier, but ended up being told that the student barbers were all on holiday and would be only back next week. I wasn't very happy about that, having just walked half an hour to get there, but that's what happens when we expect free things, right? There's always a catch haha

2) Decided to have lunch at Dicey's. Today the roast lamb with mint sauce caught my fancy, so I decided I'd have it, accompanied by all the fixings. The lamb was completely unlike that which I had in Malaysia - it was tender, juicy and sliced really thick, all the makings of a winner right there! After lunch, I dropped by RCSI to hand in my deposit refund form, to retrieve the deposit that my dad had paid earlier.

3) With that done, it was back home for me. Came back to have a chit-chat with my dad, before studying for a bit. Then I took a short nap, before waking up to prepare dinner. After dinner, headed back up here to complete this blog update. Will be cycling through the daily routine of study, YouTube vids and staring into empty space... Just kidding about the last one. Anyway, that's all for today, goodnight!

Breakfast time!

The Dublin School of Barbering,
which allows their students to give haircuts for free (not today tho D: )

This was supposed to be a before-after pic

St. Stephen's Green Shopping Centre

RCSI Main Entrance

Hmmmm... what should I have today? 

Roast lamb with mint sauce-pure bliss!

All dolled up with nowhere to go ^^

 Scones (€0.60) are a lifesaver 
when the hunger pangs strike

These taste so good, and are really healthy too!

Rice with mince meat in tomato sauce, with salad greens 
for dinner

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