Thursday 27 October 2016

DAY 56

Oct 27

1) Today was another routine day. Woke up to have bran flakes for breakfast, before trying to study for a while. My roommate had gone for a trip, leaving the room all to myself. So just continued reading the lecture notes, trying to cram as much information as I could into my brain before our next quiz...

2) Lunch time! Decided that Dicey's would be my stop for lunch today, so went there and had the beef lasagna. It tasted sooooo good! I think it's the quality of beef that they used, but it was really a pleasure to dig into. The thing I like about Dicey's is they change the menu everyday, with different combinations and options for sides etc. That makes it my go to place when I'm at a loss of what to eat.

3) Came back in the afternoon to message some of my friends back home. It's really nice to keep in touch with them and just chat for old time's sake. Before I knew it, it was evening and I went down to prepare dinner. Opened up the new pack of farfalle pasta, and it actually tasted quite good! Would be trying out different recipes with it in the future.

4) Anyways, finished dinner and came up to study, again... Then I remembered I haven't done my blog for today so here I am, typing this as I contemplate what to read up on next. That's all for tonight, and as usual, thanks very much for reading. Goodnight!

 Road leading to Dicey's Garden

The menu for today

If that doesn't get your appetite going,
nothing will XD

A testimonial I wrote for the scholarship board of RCSI,
which they promised to publish in their Student Journal of RCSI

 Farfalle/ bow tie pasta,
tasted great with my tomato sauce

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