Monday 17 October 2016

DAY 46

Oct 17

1) Today was the big day. Exam time! Woke up extra early to make it to RCSI before 7.45 a.m., before proceeding to the Exam Hall. Our paper was only 30 minutes, but consisted of all the modules we had studied so far. That is forty plus lectures in total. Anyway, it was difficult as I expected, but not overly so. Felt a great sense of relief once it was over.

2) Immediately after that, we had two lectures before lunch. In all honesty, there was no way anyone would be able to concentrate after the exam, but we tried our best anyway. Went for lunch at Dicey's Garden with my friends. I tried the chicken kiev and it was A1! There was a lecture immediately after that, but then the final lecture was two hours after that. So I went to Coffee Doc to study, and got myself some popcorn, for the heck of it haha.

3) After the last lecture, we planned to celebrate my friend, Khee Heng's (belated) birthday. But he had a table tennis tournament to participate in, so we waited for him and Zi Yan. Afterward, we decided upon Boojum, and met there at 7.00 p.m. We ordered our dinner, before "surprising" him with a nice, chocolate birthday cake from Dunnes! Had loads of fun hanging out and relieving stress at the same time.

4) Came back home at night, before hurriedly typing this out. I have many activities planned in the coming posts, so do stick around and I'll be more than happy to write about them as I proceed with life in Ireland. Thanks for reading and have a great day. Cheers!

Lunch menu at Dicey's today!

 I'll cut down on the fries next time XD

My €2 small popcorn

That's a good meal right there!

The Birthday Cake!!

Groupie, because why not?

 Chocolate cake from Dunnes (€5.00 only!)

The birthday boy, Khee Heng! :D

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