Sunday 9 October 2016

DAY 38

Oct 9

1) Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! Excellent for outdoor sport, which is exactly what I did. Went to the tennis courts at Trinity College Dublin, where I had my first taste of tennis. Thankfully, everyone was eager to help me, especially the coach Christine. Turns out tennis is harder than it looks, because the ball is travelling slower than say, a shuttlecock, and the court is much larger. Really fun experience though, and I made many friends from various countries.

2) I felt lazy to cook again so I went to RCSI, thinking one of the cafeterias would be open. Unfortunately, neither AK. Henry's nor Coffee Doc were open, so I had no choice but to go home to cook. Rice as usual for lunch then.

3) During the afternoon, took a short nap, before waking up to study. I still cannot fathom why they have not uploaded the lecture slides for one of the modules, which will be presented tomorrow. That means I cannot study ahead of the lecture, which is really frustrating. Here's hoping they will soon.

4) My stomach rumbling was a sign that I had to cook dinner. Made some tagliatelle with mince meat and veggies, and had a praline for dessert. After a nice meal, went back up to my room to continue "studying" a.k.a. surfing the net and whiling my time away. Anyways, that's all that happened for me today, and I wish you all a very pleasant evening. Cheers!

Horse-drawn carriage,
a common sight here in Dublin

Meteor, my mobile service provider

Tennis buddies, L-R:
Me (MAS), Nirmal (CAN), Niall (IRL), Andrew (IRL)

The Tennis Club of RCSI

With the coach, Christine

Lunch as usual haha

A random "All things blue" pic haha

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