Sunday 16 October 2016

DAY 45

Oct 16

1) Today was a meaningful day. Woke up and completed the whole rigmarole of breakfast, study, and surfing the net, before deciding to join the archery tryouts for the upcoming sports day in UCD (next Friday). Went there before 11 a.m., only to find out there was futsal session at the multipurpose hall.

2) Decided to play the piano at the lounge for a while, before heading over to Boojum again (yes, I guess I'm addicted haha) for an early lunch. Today I tried the tacos and they even came with different choice of filling! Returned to my apartment, and the moment I check my messages, a friend had sent me a Whatsapp message telling me that the archery team were waiting for me. Ohhh noo...

3) Came all the way back, and luckily I still made it for archery tryouts. They only needed six participants for the team, so I became the reserve. I don't mind, since I am not very good at it anyway. But it still feels great to be a part of a team representing my university haha. Returned home for the second time, and started studying for my mid-term quiz tomorrow.

4) Was feeling hungry (I blame the cold weather haha) so went down to dig up some cookies to eat. Then came back up for another session of study. Covered a couple more lectures, and it was soon time for dinner. Tonight, I prepared something different, rice with chicken patties, stir fried veggies and consomme soup. Suffice to say, it was very filling. Returned to my room, where I'll be spending the night alternating between revising and just aimlessly browsing the net haha. That's all for tonight, and thank you for reading. Cheers!

 Three large tacos at Boojum today

 I just can't get past how beautiful the autumn leaves look!

 Tarring the road

 Choccy biccy for tea, anyone? XD

Something different for dinner tonight
(Tasted awesome by the way)

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