Monday 3 October 2016

DAY 32

Oct 3

1) Today was a typical school day. Woke up earlier than usual since class started at 8 a.m. Lectures went non-stop until 2 in the afternoon. I felt so sleepy during this time. Not to mention hungry.

2) After lessons, my friends took me to a restaurant called Dicey's Garden, where they had student deals for lunch, with huge portions, and only €5.00! I had the beef curry with rice and chips, and it certainly was HUGE! Ate to my heart's content, and my friends went back after that. I stayed on at RCSI to study, since I had a tutorial on how to use EndNote for referencing.

3) EndNote turned out to be rather complicated, so I'm going to have to review the lecture slides later on. Came back home and decided I would make a simple soup for dinner. Made some tomato soup, and that was enough for the day. Later, I discovered I had misplaced my computer mouse, most probably at the Computer Lab, where I attended the tutorial. I certainly hope to get it back soon, but it was my carelessness that got me into this mess in the first place. I'll be more careful next time.

4) The last part of the day is about me trying to study. I don't think I'm good at it, but I can at least try. Tomorrow's lessons also begin at 8 a.m., and I'm not looking forward to waking up so early in the morning. Oh well, cest la vie I guess. That's all for today, and goodnight!

 Underneath the mountain of chips lies
a heapful of beef curry and a huge portion of rice,
all for only €5!

Me and Jason in the Computer Lab,
Mercer Library

Dinner was a big bowl of tomato soup,
with some emmental cheese

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