Monday 24 October 2016

DAY 53

Oct 24

1) Today was a splendid day for exploration, and that was exactly what I did! Got up for my breakfast sandwiches, before preparing to meet my friends Esther and Emma, to do our GNIB registration together. We registered before 9.00am (our scheduled time), but still had to wait for almost three hours to get our card done! Oh well, at least it's all over now and I will only have to worry about it when the card expires next year...

2) After getting our GNIB card, we parted ways. My friends went home while I searched for a popular fish and chips shop called Leo Burdock, which my father highly recommended that I should try out. At a price of €9.70 for the fresh cods and chips, it was on the expensive side, but you certainly pay for what you get. The fish batter was extremely flavorful and crunchy, while the cod itself was extremely flaky and fresh. And those fries; thick-cut and lightly seasoned with salt and vinegar - they were the real deal! The meal actually reminded me of the sea; it was that good.

3) With my hunger satiated, came back home to relax. Then continued preparing for our Principal Seminars until dinner. Whipped up some rice, salad greens and a scotch egg, and voila - dinner was done! Returned to the room to study, and that's how the rest of the night will go. Thank you for reading, and goodnight!

Morning ritual of bread, nutella and peanut butter, 
accompanied with a shot (glass) of milk! XD

 We had our GNIB Card done here

Too bad the van blocked the view...


A left here and straight down is Boojum

 Fresh Cod and Chips

Bust of James Joyce

 LOVE the red leaves!

 Simple dish for dinner

Yet another scotch egg haha

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