Friday 28 October 2016

DAY 57

Oct 28

1) Today was yet another routine day. But I got a lot of things done, so I'm not complaining. Woke up to have breakfast, before studying for my Principal Seminars which are just around the corner.

2) Not long after, it was lunch time! I was contemplating whether to have it at Boojum or Dicey's, but in the end, Dicey's won. So I went there and tried their beef meatballs, humongous and marinated with a thick, savoury sauce. It was, in a word - divine! Absolute bang for your buck, if you ask me.

3) Went for a short walk to check out the vicinity for other food outlets, before walking back to my apartment. Another study session later, and I went to prepare dinner. Emptied out the last of my veggies, before cooking rice with some mince meat in tomato sauce.

4) Then it was back to the old grind, so to speak - until my friend reminded me I hadn't written my blog today yet! So hurriedly typed this out, and this is the result haha. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog update, and have a great day/night (depending on which part of the hemisphere you're in)!

Beef Meatballs 

The meatballs were HUGE!

The Dicey Bar

Lovely artwork...

Dinner for today, served Kevin's way :)

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