Thursday 13 October 2016

DAY 42

Oct 13

1) Today was a really fun day. Woke up early to have breakfast, before making it to RCSI by ten. Lectures today were on different metabolic pathways, including those we studied in A-Levels, i.e. glycolysis, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)/ Krebs cycle. It was fun learning stuff we had already learnt before, but now in much greater detail.

2) Had lunch at AK. Henry's. The queue was really long, but I did not mind waiting for my sandwiches as we had lots of time to spare. Two more lectures after lunch, and that was it for today! But the downside to the early dismissal is tomorrow would be my group's first card signing, and I am not very confident about it yet.

3) As much as I was nervous about card signing, I still wanted to join the running group tonight. So we met up at RCSI at 6.30 p.m., before running the usual route to Phoenix Park AND back again. Today everybody upped the pace, and I had to dig deep to keep up. Fortunately I was not left behind and managed to finish together, as a group. Post run, we had some of the tastiest chocolate caramel milk and strawberry milk that I ever had.

4) After sweating it out, I returned home to cook dinner, or rather prep it, since it was store-bought. Nothing beats a hot meal after a long, cold run haha. Anyways, cleaned up afterwards, and will continue studying to cram as much information as I can before the dreaded card-signing tomorrow. To top it all off, our first quiz is on Monday, which covers more than 40 lectures in total! No pressure then. That's all I have time for tonight, and hopefully you enjoyed reading this update. Cheers!

 Sandwiches for lunch as usual :D

 AK Henry's
(Finally took a snap of my lunch area XD)

Essential post-run photos! :D

 Tonights Dinner
(Chilli Con Carne & Potato Wedges)

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