Sunday 30 October 2016

DAY 59

Oct 30

1) Today was officially the most boring day of my time here, but also absolutely necessary for me. Woke up, had breakfast (tried out the new cornflakes I bought at Tesco), before going upstairs to study for a while.

2) Lunch time, and I decided to heat up the leftover samosas, onion and vegetable bhajis (fritters). Tasted really good, but wasn't very filling, so I had some cookies soon after. Then it was back to my room to prepare for the debate at UCC soon.

3) For dinner, I tried to make a tomato sauce to accompany the Scotch egg I had, and it turned out just fine! Accompanied by some veggies and it was a very hearty meal indeed. With dinner taken care of, it was back (for the THIRD time) to study and prepare for my Principal Seminars. Finally managed to cover most of it.

4) That is essentially all I did today. It wasn't fun I admit, but it was important that I finished off the outlying work I had, so that I was prepared for the upcoming lectures. I'll end on this note, and am looking forward to taking the rest of the night easy. Thank you for reading, and have a great night!

Runners taking part in the SSE Airtricity Marathon,
 which flagged off today at 9.00 a.m.

Lunch was simple and delicious!

Dinner :)

Scotch egg

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