Wednesday 19 October 2016

DAY 48

Oct 19

1) Today was a "normal" kind of day. Had breakfast as usual, before studying lecture notes until it was time to leave for RCSI. I actually arrived an hour earlier than usual due to a mistake in my calendar online. I blame the timetable setters for this...

2) Had lunch at Dicey's Garden, since we had time for it. This time I opted for bangers and mash, and it was superb! All in all, a very satisfying lunch for me. My friends tried the lamb and found that really delicious too. 

3) Afterwards, it was just lectures and more lectures until we were basically sick and tired of it. Another long day then. Came back to cook some dinner, before coming up to write this. Gonna take my bath now, before coming back up to do what I came to Ireland to do: goof off of course! Just kidding; more studying beckons...

4) That is all for tonight, and tomorrow will be a brighter, happier, and hopefully HOTTER day. Thanks for reading, and goodnight! 

Had a pining for some sausages after the "hot dog controversy" back in Malaysia XD

 No fries today, as promised...

Dinner was two parts great and one part awesome!

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