Saturday 22 October 2016

DAY 50

Oct 21

1) Today was a FUN day! Mostly because it is the last day before Reading Week, which for me is equivalent to a week of holiday. Woke up early as usual, had my bran flakes, before getting ready for class at 8 am. After an assortment of lectures, it was time for lunch.

2) Went to Dicey's Garden alone, because the others still had anatomy practicals. Today I tried the herb-crusted salmon, which turned out to be really flavorful! Nothing beats having a delicious meal in a warm, friendly environment- away from the cold weather outside.

3) Came back to join my friends at AK. Henry's. Then it was time for the second half of our full day lecture marathon. Many of us, myself included, struggled to keep awake during the lectures. Somehow we managed not to doze off, which would have been really embarrassing...

4) In the evening, my friends and I took the bus to University College Dublin, where the PMCSA Sports Day was underway. I took part in the Men's Tennis match, but unfortunately did not make it through to the Finals. Oh well, it is the effort and experience gained that matters the most I guess.

5) Watched some of my friends play netball and volleyball. It is clear that UCD has much better facilities, not to mention a much larger talent pool to choose representatives from. That's not to say we didn't win, but UCD players were mostly really experienced.

6) Had my share of the food we prepped yesterday, plus a free bottle of Lucozade for hydration. The events finished before eleven, so we brought the leftover food and drinks to a friend's dorm for safekeeping. Some of my friends went back to the Malaysian Hall to clean up after cooking, amongst other things. As for me, I was happy to go home.

7) It is finally time for the holidays! Although it should strictly be a holiday for studying, seeing as the second mid-term quiz is practically just after the holidays... As they say, the life of a medical student is never easy, but at least I embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Anyway, I'll end here for tonight. Thanks for reading and have a pleasant day. Cheers!

 Today's menu at Dicey's Garden

The herb-crusted grilled salmon was on point! :D

 UCD Campus Grounds are so huge!

Me, after tennis competition XD

RCSI vs UCD: Volleyball!

It was a good effort by our team

Nasi goreng (Fried Rice),
generously prepared by the PMCSA committee

The future's so bright! XD

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