Sunday 23 October 2016

DAY 52

Oct 23

1) Today was a normal day. Woke up to have breakfast, before continuing yesterday's studies. Around noon, I decided I'd have a long overdue break, so went to Boojum again for lunch. Today I had the beef barbacoa burrito bowl, with extra spicy sauce. Apparently, there's no such thing as spicy here, which is surprising considering Boojum is a Mexican resto. The food tasted great though, no question about that.

2) Went to Tesco Baggot to do the week's groceries. Ended up buying a small Reese's Peanut Buttercup as a treat for myself haha. Then I had to carry my groceries all the way back home. Thankfully, Tesco is really quite near my house, so I didn't mind the walk, or the chilly weather.

3) Had no mood to study in the afternoon, so I prepared my documents for tomorrow's GNIB registration. Basically we have to register with the Garda Police in order to continue studying in Ireland. After a long time, I managed to settle all the documents which I'm bringing tomorrow. Went downstairs to prepare dinner, and here I am, back in my room and typing this out. Time to study now, so I'll end on this note. Thanks for reading, and have a great day. Cheers!

 Beef Barbacoa Burrito Bowl at Boojum (5B's XD)

Voila! Dinner is done!

Scotch egg

 A small treat for myself

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