Tuesday 11 October 2016

DAY 40

Oct 11

1) Today was another routine day. Got up to have cereal and milk for breakfast, before making lunch to take to RCSI. I almost forgot that class began at nine instead of ten, but luckily my roommate reminded me. Phew! Anyway, attended one lecture, before me and my friends went to the lounge to self-study.

2) After that, we were broken into small groups (around 10 students) and attended the small group tutorial. Today was our first clinical practical on cardiovascular disease. So we were taught how to inspect, palpate, percuss, and auscultate - the four common steps in diagnosis of a disease. I really learnt a lot today! It is really great that we get to practice in real life on a surface model (actor/ actress) in addition to reading the lecture slides itself.

3) For lunch, I had the toast that I made at home. Then it was an additional two lectures before school ended. There was a debate event scheduled tonight at 6.30 p.m., but I decided not to go because we weren't given the opportunity to debate. So came home, baked a simple steak and veggie pie that I got at Dunnes, and went up to my room to study.

4) Our room light had fused unexpectedly the previous night, so I called Eric (who's in charge of maintaining our house) and he gladly came to fix it. Thankfully, the light's working fine again, so I can study haha. Guess I will leave it at that for today. As always, thank you for reading, and have a great evening. Cheers!

 Cereal with milk
Nothing like a good breakfast to start the day! :D

Lunch - homemade toast!

Steak and vegetable pie,
not bad at all

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