Saturday 22 October 2016

DAY 51

Oct 22

1) It's finally Reading Week. It's actually a bit bittersweet, because we have our second mid-term quiz right after that. So woke up later than usual, because time was not an issue today haha. Had bran flakes for breakfast, before studying the lecture slides in preparation for the upcoming Principal Seminars.

2) For lunch, I went to Boojum to try out their vegetarian meal. It came in a large burrito box and tasted awesome. I had planned to do my groceries today, but since I still had enough left, I decided against it and went back instead. Finished my studying for the afternoon, before taking a short nap.

3) In the evening, I cooked pasta for dinner. While simple, I really enjoy taking my mind off studying and just focusing on something else for a change. Came back up to update my blog, and will continue studying the slides for the next quiz shortly. That was my day, and it while not the most exciting, it definitely was a good day for me. Thanks for reading, and goodnight!

 Vegetarian meal at Boojum

 With a side of nachos...

Random sign on the way back

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this... XD 

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