Wednesday 5 October 2016

DAY 34

Oct 5

1) Today was a relatively easy day for me. Woke up early as usual, before going for my usual jog at St. Stephen's Green. I was planning to do more rounds, but after that grueling 15 km run on Sunday, I could only manage 5 km today. I have to start training for the Run in the Dark event this coming November. Anyway, finished my run, had some cereal, before prepping for class.

2) Lecture started at 10 a.m., during which we were briefed on how we would be assessed in our upcoming Mid-Term Quiz. I still cannot believe that barely a month has passed and we are already plagued with exams, quizzes, formative assessments and the like. I guess they were right when they said medical school wouldn't be easy haha. Went to the anatomy room together with friends, and spent some time analysing and discussing what we had been taught.

3) A lecture after that, and it was my favourite time of the day, lunchtime! The queue at AK. Henry's was unusually long, but I suppose everyone was famished too. I had to wait patiently for about 15 minutes for my sandwich (et frites of course). There are so many choices available for sandwiches: you can choose white or brown bread, with mayo, butter or plain, a meat option and two veggie options, toasted or not, and with or without fries. And all for just €3.00! That would explain why the queue for sandwiches is usually the longest compared to the others.

4) Had a really satisfying lunch, before one more lecture for the day! It feels great to end class early, and I did not waste anytime in going to Tesco after that, to get some milk and bread. I still have some peanut butter and nutella, so that should take care of my breakfast from now on. The extra food will come in handy for my training I reckon. By this time, I made up my mind to have an early dinner. Went down to the kitchen to cook rice, steamed some broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, before making some tomato soup. Today's meal was plain and simple, but nonetheless nutritious (or so I hope haha).

5) Finished dinner, before coming back to my room to study. My card signing event is next Friday, and it involves a surgeon prosector asking you the various anatomical locations and functions of the body, either by using cadavers or preserved specimens. I am not looking forward to that, but I shall definitely try my best. Surely it can't be that bad, right? Anyway, that is all the time I have for today, and I look forward to relating my cycle of events tomorrow. Thanks for reading, and goodnight!

 I don't think I'll get tired of the sandwiches anytime soon,
although I might run out of captions for it XD

48 Leeson Street Lower,
Dublin 2, Ireland
(The top window, directly above the
left front door, is my apartment)

Simple and hearty, just the way I like it!

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